Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Plant Nutrient Type Visual symptom

Deficiency : Plant Nutrient Type Visual symptoms Nitrogen Deficiency Light green to yellow appearance of leaves, especially older leaves; stunted growth; poor fruit development.
Excess : Dark green foliage which may be susceptible to lodging, drought, disease and insect invasion. Fruit and seed crops may fail to yield.


Deficiency : Symptoms include poor growth, and leaves that turn blue/green but not yellow—oldest leaves are affected first
Excess :Excess phosphorus may cause micro nutrient deficiencies, especially iron or zinc.

Deficiency : Older leaves turn yellow initially around margins and die; irregular fruit development.
Excess :Reduced growth or death of growing tips; blossom-end rot of tomato; poor fruit development and appearance.

Deficiency : stunted plant growth, on young leaves or curling of the leaves, and eventual death of terminal buds and root
Excess :Excess calcium may cause deficiency in either magnesium or potassium

Deficiency :Initial yellowing of older leaves between leaf veins spreading to younger leaves; poor fruit development and production.
Excess :High concentration tolerated in plant; however, imbalance with calcium and potassium may reduce growth.

Deficiency : Initial yellowing of young leaves spreading to whole plant; similar symptoms to nitrogen deficiency but occurs on new growth.
Excess :Excess of sulfur may cause premature dropping of leaves.

Deficiency : Initial distinct yellow or white areas between veins of young leaves leading to spots of dead leaf tissue.
Excess : Possible bronzing of leaves with tiny brown spots.

Deficiency : Interveinal yellowing or mottling of young leaves.
Excess :Older leaves have brown spots surrounded by a chlorotic circle or zone.


Deficiency: Interveinal yellowing on young leaves; reduced leaf size.
Excess : Excess zinc may cause iron deficiency in some plants.

Deficiency : Death of growing points and deformation of leaves with areas of discoloration.
Excess : Leaf tips become yellow followed by necrosis. Leaves get a scorched appearance and later fall off.

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