Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Plant Nutrient Type Visual symptom

Deficiency : Plant Nutrient Type Visual symptoms Nitrogen Deficiency Light green to yellow appearance of leaves, especially older leaves; stunted growth; poor fruit development.
Excess : Dark green foliage which may be susceptible to lodging, drought, disease and insect invasion. Fruit and seed crops may fail to yield.


Deficiency : Symptoms include poor growth, and leaves that turn blue/green but not yellow—oldest leaves are affected first
Excess :Excess phosphorus may cause micro nutrient deficiencies, especially iron or zinc.

Deficiency : Older leaves turn yellow initially around margins and die; irregular fruit development.
Excess :Reduced growth or death of growing tips; blossom-end rot of tomato; poor fruit development and appearance.

Deficiency : stunted plant growth, on young leaves or curling of the leaves, and eventual death of terminal buds and root
Excess :Excess calcium may cause deficiency in either magnesium or potassium

Deficiency :Initial yellowing of older leaves between leaf veins spreading to younger leaves; poor fruit development and production.
Excess :High concentration tolerated in plant; however, imbalance with calcium and potassium may reduce growth.

Deficiency : Initial yellowing of young leaves spreading to whole plant; similar symptoms to nitrogen deficiency but occurs on new growth.
Excess :Excess of sulfur may cause premature dropping of leaves.

Deficiency : Initial distinct yellow or white areas between veins of young leaves leading to spots of dead leaf tissue.
Excess : Possible bronzing of leaves with tiny brown spots.

Deficiency : Interveinal yellowing or mottling of young leaves.
Excess :Older leaves have brown spots surrounded by a chlorotic circle or zone.


Deficiency: Interveinal yellowing on young leaves; reduced leaf size.
Excess : Excess zinc may cause iron deficiency in some plants.

Deficiency : Death of growing points and deformation of leaves with areas of discoloration.
Excess : Leaf tips become yellow followed by necrosis. Leaves get a scorched appearance and later fall off.

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Analisis Usaha Budidaya Strawberry

1) Biaya produksi
1. Sewa tanah selama 2 tahun Rp. 5.000.000,-
2. Bibit 50.000 anakan @ Rp. 1.000,- Rp. 50.000.000,-
3. Pupuk dan kapur
- Pupuk kandang 30 ton @ Rp. 150.000,- Rp. 4.500.000,-
- Urea: 2 x 200 kg @ Rp. 1.500,- Rp. 600.000,-
- SP-36: 2 x 250 kg @ Rp. 1.800,- Rp. 900.000,-
- KCl: 2 x 100 kg @ Rp. 1.800,- Rp. 360.000,-
- Kapur: 4 ton @ Rp. 400.000 Rp. 1.600.000,-
- Pupuk daun: 20 kg @ Rp. 20.000 Rp. 400.000,-
4. Pestisida 20 kg Rp. 1.300.000,-
5. Peralatan dan bangunan
- Mulsa plastik 20 rol @ Rp. 300.000,- Rp. 6.000.000,-
- Alat pertanian Rp. 1.250.000,-
- Gubug 1 unit Rp. 1.000.000,-
6. Tenaga kerja
- Pengolahan tanah, buat bedeng: 150 HKP @ Rp.7.500,- Rp. 1.125.000,-
- Pupuk, kapur dan pasang mulsa 50 HKP Rp. 375.000,-
- Penanaman 10 HKP + 30 HKW (@ Rp. 5.000) Rp. 225.000,-
- Pemeliharaan 2 tahun 80 HKP + 100 HKW Rp. 1.100.000,-
- Gaji pekebun 2 orang selama 2 tahun Rp. 12.000.000,-
7. Panen dan pascapanen
- Panen dan pasca panen 100 HKP + 200 HKW Rp. 1.750.000,-
8. Lain-lain : Pajak dan iuran Rp. 500.000,-
Jumlah biaya produksi Rp. 89.985.000,-
2) Produksi 1 th/ha: 0,45 kg/tahun x 40.000 tanaman x Rp. 5.500,- Rp.198.000.000,-
3) Keuntungan selama 2 tahun Rp.108.015.000,-
Keuntungan per tahun Rp. 54.007.500,-
4) Parameter kelayakan usaha
1. Output/Input rasio (dalam 1 tahun) = 1,1
Keterangan: HKP Hari kerja Pria, HKW Hari kerja wanita.

Klasifikasi dan Standar Mutu
Berdasarkan ukurannya, stroberi diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 kelas yaitu:
Kelas AA: > 20 gram/buah
Kelas A : 11-20 gram/buah
Kelas B : 7-12 gram/buah
Kelas C1 : 7-8 gram/buah
Kualitas stroberi ditentukan oleh rasa (manis-agak asam-asam), kemulusan kulit dan luka mekanis akibat benturan atau hama-penyakit.

Perkiraan Produksi
Produktivitas tanaman stroberi tergantung dari varietas dan teknik budidaya:
a) Varitas Osogrande: 1,2 kg/tanaman/tahun.
b) Varitas Pajero: 0,8 kg/tanaman/tahun.
c) Varitas Selva: 0,6-0,7 kg/tanaman/tahun.
Teknik budidaya stroberi dengan naungan UV memberikan hasil 1-1,25 kg/tanaman/tahun.

Ciri dan Umur Panen
1) Buah sudah agak kenyal dan agak empuk.
2) Kulit buah didominasi warna merah: hijau kemerahan hingga kuning kemerahan.
3) Buah berumur 2 minggu sejak pembungaan atau 10 hari setelah awal pembentukan buah.

Selamat Mencoba

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

High Performance Fertilizer for Crops

Majus (Latin) is significant to Great or Huge.
We can refer to some Majus history:
Botanical name for flowers Anthurium (Antirrhinum majus. This flower has a huge leaf and morphology.
Tropaeolum majus, or Nasturtium, is a fast growing climbing annual native to the Andes Mountains in South America. This small bush can be grown in such a great mountain in Andes.
Opus Majus (Greater Work) is the most important work of Roger Bacon this research regarding all aspects of natural science, from grammar and logic to mathematics, physics, and philosophy
When we think the brand for product such fertilizer we think it’s significant to Majus.
After application of Majus fertilizer, the size of part of plants (leaf, flowers, root, and fruit) will increase dramatically.
The content in Majus itself is almost all Macro and Micro nutrients that plant require for proper growth. The amino acids in the fertilizer will increase chlorophyll, promotes bigger and higher yields.
The plant growth regulator in the content allows plants to grow their maximum size and potential harvest. This unique powder form can applied conventionally or when dissolved in water, can be used as foliar fertilizer.
Since Majus can penetrate cell walls, micro and macro mineral in the fertilizer are immediately available to plant.
The range NPK for growth 20 : 20 : 20 ; NPK for Flowering 15 : 35 : 5 and for fruiting 15 : 5 : 35 allowed you to apply as the plant need particularly.

Number of Demonstration plot has been held in Sumatera and Java Island, for horticulture, food crops, vegetables, fruity and plantation crops. We pleased to know that the result against conventional type of fertilizer significant different. Majus perform much better.

Contact me for further query on this product.

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Stevia is Sugar Substitute

Stevia adalah tanaman yang memiliki 240 spesis dalam keluarga Bunga matahari (Asteraceae) berasal dari negara Tropik dan subtropik seperti Amerika Utara dan Amerika Selatan. Spesies Stevia rebaudiana, sering dikenal dengan pemanis, daun manis, atau hanya stevia. Sebagai pemanis dan pengganti gula rasa stevia sangat manis 300 kali lebih manis dibandingkan gula tebu.
Ditemukan juga bahwa stevia rendah karbohidrat , dan 0 kalori. Penelitian kesehatan menemukan bahwa Stevia sangat baik untuk penderita obesitas dan penderita tekanan darah tinggi. Tahun 2008 Ekstrak Rebauside – A dari Stevia diperbolehkan sebagai bahan tambahan pada makanan. Stevia sudah dipakai sebagai pemanis di Jepang. Amerika, dan beberapa negara di Asia .

1. Frucor melaunching produk air mineral dengan rendah gula pada Agustus 2009. Frucor adalah pabrikan terbesar no. 2 di New Zeland.
2. Coles Group – Perusahaan retail terbesar kedua di Australia – merencanakan melaunching produk “tanpa tambahan gula” di roti pada Pasar Australia January 2010. Produk ini mengandung 5% tambahan gula
3. Malaysia 2010 : Nestle Launching produk yogurt dengan rasa buah

Apa Yang Bisa Kita Kerjakan???
RnD pada stevia, Oktober 2009 stevia kultivar PC1 dan PC4 sudah di introduksi ke Indonesia dan ditanam di dataran tinggi dan rendah

Memperkanalkan tanaman ini pada petani untuk meningkatkan penghasilan petani